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ezPower / Re: Updating one POS from another POS
« Last post by ronaldrwl on January 23, 2021, 08:02:50 AM »
Use the Export Basic and Import Basic.  You can also open the exported file with Excel and delete the lines (item#) you don't want to be included.  This will update the prices but not the inventory.
ezPower / Updating one POS from another POS
« Last post by Courtright on January 22, 2021, 10:11:51 PM »
My Oceanfront location has been closed for about 4 months bc every Winter we shut down for the Season.  However, during this time at my Norfolk location we have had to change the cost prices and retail prices for hundreds and hundreds of products.  Can we copy a particular set of files from our Norfolk computer and upload them to our Oceanfront computer where they would overwrite old products (old prices) and even add newly added products BUT not change inventory levels?  Is this a possibility?

Trying to find an easier way than having to redo all the price changes again at location 2.  And we're looking to open another store so we need to figure out mass price changes.  We tried the remote service before but we had a lot of issues.  Could only do so many at a time.  Sometimes they wouldn't updated and we would have to do a few times.  So if we could just copy and paste without affecting inventory levels that would be great for now.

ezPower / Re: Product Image Size
« Last post by Courtright on January 22, 2021, 07:24:03 AM »
Ahhhh, this actually probably is exactly what is wrong with our systems.  I've noticed this as well and have wondered why it was happening.  Can't wait to try it out!  Thanks for the input!
I had to turn off employees having access to my reports because this Summer I actually had 2 brand new hires trying to blackmail me for more pay hourly and were printing off Financial Reports, etc.  It was a mess, these 18 yr old Gen-Z kids are something else.  So no longer do basic sales employees have the ability to run reports now.

However, every night they would run a "Sold Products Summary Extend" report for the day showing what was sold and if there is more stock.  If there is more stock, did they put it on display or not (We only have 1 on display).  When the store is busy sometimes they forget to restock, so we used that report to catch it at closing.

Now with report center off limits for sales associates they can no longer run it.  Can you think of any other way to list what items were sold through out the day (that they can print and carry around with them to check if it was restocked)?

Thank you for your insight.
Using Price Prompt wouldn't work for us, because again when brand new product comes in that managers need to create the product in the POS they're only allowed access to Quick Add and can't set that.  Besides, would using Price Prompt be any different than just allowing sales associates security settings to change the price and discount in Item Tools?  I mean with either option they have the ability to set the price to $0.

Could I please pay you to add more product discount buttons we could add to our toolbar?  we already have 2 available for us, I wouldn't imaging allowing a user up to 10 wouldn't be much harder.  Is that something I can please pay for?  It would solve ALL my problems of employees being able to put a price to $0 (which has already happened more than once). And the coupon function doesn't work because they can just stack it continuously on a sale until the product is free.

**NOT the current 2 discounts that apply a discount to the overall sale, but instead having 10 discount options for the "Product %" discounts (for individual products).

If so, how much would this cost?
ezPower / Re: Adding "PRINT PGRM.jpg" Coupon to EVERY receipt we print
« Last post by Courtright on January 22, 2021, 05:51:46 AM »
Thank you!  I'll try this out today.
ezPower / Re: Loyalty Points Settings on Control Manager
« Last post by ronaldrwl on January 21, 2021, 06:32:45 AM »
Read the help section "Points, Redeem".  They are not connected to coupons.
ezPower / Re: Adding "PRINT PGRM.jpg" Coupon to EVERY receipt we print
« Last post by ronaldrwl on January 21, 2021, 06:27:57 AM »
Open the Settings / Printer Options.
Click the Set button for Receipt Offer and select the coupon item.
You can use the "Price Prompt" Option to prompt the cashier to enter the Discount%.  Or, just create a coupon for each discount you offer.  Item# could be CP10, CP15, CP20...
Tell your employees they will be fired and prosecuted if the steal.
ezPower / Re: credit card processing
« Last post by Courtright on January 20, 2021, 08:06:06 PM »
I might have to look into if Clearant is feasible.  We use Heartland and employees manually enter the numbers in but bc we're doing $2.5M in gross sales we get a really good rate.  It's like Cost plus .25 of a percent (so about 1.25%, unlike others charging 3%) however having a system not tied together feels like 1999.  You're not set up to use Heartland are you and I just didn't know?  I thought they were the largest in the US?

But this POS can connect to a credit card machine and automatically put the correct sale total right on the cc machine? (like most large chain retail stores do)
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