Author Topic: Any system users in Australia - Melbourne VIC or Gippsland VIC area?  (Read 6003 times)

Offline mmccats

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I am urgently seeking any business using this system, that would be willing to show me how you run your Customer accounts/monthly statements process.
Where I am working, the system has been in use for a couple of years, but the Account Receivable process has not really been addressed.
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for your time.

Offline ronaldrwl

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What exactly are you needing?  You can use the report Customer / Customers with a Balance to see the balances.

Offline mmccats

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Looking for a procedure, I guess.
So - allocate payments
Run Customers with a Balance list
Tidy up any that should not have outstanding balances.
Problem here is that multiple people may put payments in, but may not allocate correctly - or - payments not put in, but someone remembers receiving it.
Thanks for your patience, ronaldrwl :-)

Offline ronaldrwl

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I don't have a procedure myself as we don't have walk-in customers.
Maybe start with this:
1 - use Make A Payment
2 - select the customers name
3 - New Payment button
4 - select the payment type
5 - print payment receipt.
6 - select the payment and Invoice, use Apply Payment