General Category > ezPower

help with trade-in icon


hi we run a independent game shop  ,was wondering if there is a way of adjusting the selling price ,when i get trade ins of second hand games ,so they can be added at the point of trade in ,any help ?
thanks in advance

Have you been using the Trade-In function button?  Products can have multiple prices.  Prices 2,3,4,5 and 6 can be named anything you like.  You can make price 2 "used".

hi ronald ,that as worked thankyou but you could help me with something on this ,i want to add things trad-in  ,but not to effect the z total  ,just so i can add the items bought it on the trade-in and print a receipt out for customer to sign ,is there a way so it doesnt effect the z total ,any thoughts ?


Trade-ins or the products you sell, do not effect the z-out directly.  The z-out is looking at payments.


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