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Topics - BigLakeGrocery

Pages: [1]
ezPower / DVD rental report shows returned movies
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:32:27 AM »
Hi, we are having an issue where some DVDs continue to show up on our Rental List report.  I have marked them as returned but they continue to show up on the report and are marked as not returned.  I have gone so far as to delete the DVD and re-add, and deleting the customer who rented the DVD, but they still show up on the report.  Any ideas?

Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Ver 13

ezPower / New Printer, z-out report printing problem
« on: November 13, 2014, 10:40:57 AM »
I installed a new printer yesterday and when we ran our end-of-day last night, we selected the new printer.  the printer has an auxiliary print slot for envelopes and over-sized paper.  for some reason, the eod report selects this print slot, thinking it needs to print on a roll, instead of the regular tray with regular paper.  If I manually select Tray 1, the printer gives me an error saying that tray does not support the paper type. How do I set the system up to print the eod on 8 1/2 x 11 paper?

Thank you,
Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Ver 13.850

ezPower / Department & Categories Subtotals have unknown Total
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:07:27 PM »
I am trying to balance my end-of-day reports and am having a difficult time figuring out a total at the top of the Department Subtotals and Categories Subtotals
it reads as follows:
Departments Subtotals
Total 43.99
Beer & Wine  62
Total 477.44
Coffee & Espresso 11
Total 17.32
and so on.....

Categories Subtotals
Total 43.99
Beer 45
Total 318.69
Breakfast Food 13
Total 40.26
and so question is what department does the 43.99 come out of?  If I don't include the 43.99 then my balancing is off that amount.

Thank you,
Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Ver 13.850

ezPower / How to get back to the Sales window after retrieving a Closed Sale
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:48:58 PM »
I am wondering if there is a way to revert back to the Sales window after double-clicking on a closed sale.  The buttons gray out and I have tried the Esc key and X-ing out of the Sales window, but then I have to log back in.  Is there something I am missing?
Thank you,
Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Version 13

ezPower / Setting up Mix and Match
« on: July 07, 2014, 09:12:24 AM »
I am having trouble setting up Mix and Match pricing for a group of items.
For this group, if you buy 2 of any items in a sub category you pay $3.00  each item is $1.99.

I have created a Sub Category for the items.  In the Manager screen, I selected Products, Discount and selected 2. Use product Sale% discount for sales within the Sale date period.  I changed the sale end date to next year.

In the Product Control, I edited the items to be included in the sale and set a sub category on the Data tab.  I then selected Discounts on the Functions tab and Checked Mix and Match by my new sub-Category, checked Buy 2.00, checked Amount and $3.00 next to Amount.

I logged completely out and back in, go to the sales screen to test and the discount does not show up.  What am I doing wrong?

Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Version 13.830

ezPower / Importing Rental Items
« on: June 23, 2014, 07:06:40 AM »
I am trying to import my DVD Rental products.  The fields I am having trouble with are: Rent Price, Sell Mode, Rent Length and the Option of Out-of-stock Hold.  The record imports ok, but these fields remain blank.  I have 1500 movies, and I don't want to manually input these fields.   

Thank you,
Tamara McCoy
Big Lake Grocery
Version 13

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