Author Topic: coach outlet online 20130421  (Read 5218 times)

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coach outlet online 20130421
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:11:35 PM »
? Thank all those who through the network wanted to express affectionate good wishes for my birthday. As a gift I would most interest in and support for research, little seen in recent years?. Exactly one year ago, the internet has celebrated 101 years of Rita Levi Montalcini: she, with the spirit of always thanked with these words.
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She, born in 1909, the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1986, senator for life, a point of reference for many scholars who, like her, spend each day the advance of knowledge. And to celebrate this woman born over a century ago chose the more technological means: webcam, Twitter, Facebook. Because in the end, of modern people like you there are few. Happy Birthday Rita! The health
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