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Messages - rjsmeyer

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ezPower / Re: Sales Export to Quickbooks
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:35:32 PM »
Hi Ronald

I did a trial run with just changing the PAYMETH from "cash" to "layaway", and it seemed to go into QB perfectly.  It behaves like all the other transactions, but with the Payment Method being "layaway", like I'd expect.

Going back a step, I looked in Sales Control, and found that the "cash" Pay Method is what's assigned to the layaway transaction in question.

Maybe we're doing the Layaways incorrectly?  After clicking on Finish, we click on Deposit/Layaway.  A second Pay Method window then comes up, with the balance remaining showing in the top bar and all Pay Methods other than Layaway showing up.  The system pretty much forces you to choose a Pay Method OTHER than Layaway at that point, which gets registered as the official Pay Method for that transaction, even if it's $0.  I can find no way to get the system to show Layaway as a Pay Method in the Sales Reports.

There are times where we take in a deposit, but not always.  Even then, though, the Pay Method shows up only as the form of payment that was used for the deposit, with no indication of "Layaway".

It seems that my problem lies in not being able to truly use Layaway as a Pay Method, rather than needing to change how the iif file is being created.  Could the "Deposit/Layaway" be changed into a Pay Method that WOULD be recognized as such?


ezPower / Re: Sales Export to Quickbooks
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:49:44 AM »
Yes, I can send you the file if you'd like to look it over.

I double-checked the transaction in EZP, and it does have a "No" in the "paid" column.  There was no money exchanged - it was done over the phone.

ezPower / Re: Sales Export to Quickbooks
« on: March 02, 2016, 10:36:42 AM »
In the PAYMETH column, it shows "Cash", just like any other cash transaction.

Of course, when we put something on Layaway, we use "Layaway" as the first "form of payment", and then a $0 cash payment to finish it.

ezPower / Sales Export to Quickbooks
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:34:21 AM »
The Sales Export has been working extremely well, though I'll admit that the transactions have been pretty straightforward so far. 

I did run across one issue lately, though, in that a Layaway was exported as a normal, paid transaction.  I looked at the iif file in Excel, and it looks indistinguishable from the other transactions.  Is this kind of thing just something I need to take care of manually?



ezPower / Re: Discounts by dollar amount
« on: March 01, 2016, 01:25:37 PM »
Sounds like a good idea - I'll have to give it a try!  Thanks!


ezPower / Re: Discounts by dollar amount
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:22:07 PM »
Okay.  I have used that for other things.  I was hoping for something where I could lop something like $10 off the sale price for something. 

ezPower / Re: "one item per line" in General Settings
« on: March 01, 2016, 10:39:45 AM »
Okay, I see how that works. 

Actually, I'm surprised at how much data IS in there - payment methods, type of sale (merchandise vs service), etc.  I think this might just work.  thanks!


ezPower / Re: Discounts by dollar amount
« on: March 01, 2016, 10:37:46 AM »
Hi Ronald,

I have v14.208.

When I have a product open in the Sales window, when I go into Edit, I get "Qty", "Discount %", and "Price" along the top of the Edit window.  If I click on the box next to "Discount %", a window titled "Enter Discount %" opens, with no apparent option for "dollar amount".  If I click on something like "3.00", which looks like it could be a dollar amount, it registers instead as a percentage (i.e,. 3%). 

I must be missing something.  What is it?


ezPower / Discounts by dollar amount
« on: March 01, 2016, 10:23:32 AM »
I thought I'd seen this in here somewhere, but I can't find it now.

In v14, one of the features is listed as discounting by dollar amount as well as %.  There must be a specific discount button for this - which one is it?


ezPower / export to Quickbooks
« on: February 26, 2016, 02:15:11 PM »
Sales Control.  Use the File / Sales Export.  It doesn't export the product information but only the basic sales information.  It saves a iif QuickBooks file you can import.

Ronald, just one question about this - is there a way to have daily sales sent to QB as TOTALS this way? I'm trying to figure out whether it would work for me, but I really don't need (or want) every single sales transaction recorded individually in QB.   


ezPower / Re: Payment Methods, Sales Imports
« on: February 23, 2016, 09:53:48 AM »
That works perfectly - thanks!

I thought that might be the case with sales import.

ezPower / Payment Methods, Sales Imports
« on: February 23, 2016, 08:01:05 AM »
We have sales on our website as well as in the physical store.  So far, I've run the online credit card transactions manually through EZP, but we're changing over to a payment gateway (mainly for PCI reasons).

However, many of our online customers are also store customers, so I'd still like to enter their online transactions into EZP to maintain all our sales records in one place. 

So far, the one hurdle that has me stumped is how to address the Payment Method for such a transaction.  Is there possibly a Payment Method available - or that could be set up - to signify that payment has been made outside of EZP so I could continue to track such sales there?

Another thought that comes up, though not as important, is whether I might even be able to import a .csv file summarizing a sales transaction from an outside program into EZP.  I see that there's a way of importing and exporting sales info in Sales Control, or is that to import solely from another EZP setup?


ezPower / Re: Product Export in v14
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:32:28 PM »
That is interesting.  I'm always amazed at how much information you're able to pack into this program.

Am I missing something as to how the xml file is generated?  Is there somewhere like the EZP folder I can find the xml file?

ezPower / Shipping Cost in Product Edit file
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:02:07 AM »
I've been intrigued by the field of "+Shipping" in the Product file, thinking that I could maybe just add the cost of shipping the product to the cost to calculate the retail price.

However, any value I enter for "+Shipping" doesn't seem to affect anything else - or at least I can't find anywhere where it does.

What exactly does that Shipping field do?

ezPower / Product Export in v14
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:55:13 AM »
So far, I've been able to do simple Product Export in v14 by using the Export List feature under File. Now, though, I want to do a bulk change of the Product information on one of the more obscure options (change to "Service" to no longer track inventory on some items).

In v13, I was able to export quite a detailed spreadsheet of Product data, but in v14 the choices have changed to:
  - Export Inventory Basic (I have no clue what to do with that info, and in the words that I do recognize, I can't find anything like "service")

  - Export Inventory XML (nothing happens, and I have no idea where any data goes), or

  - Export List (which gives me only the columns that are able to appear in the general Products window (which does not include "Service")

In the description of new features for v14, it states "an easier way of exporting product data".  I'm guessing it might be referring to the "Basic" - is there some way of translating that into a normal spreadsheet?


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