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Messages - gb

Pages: [1] 2
ezPower / Re: Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:34:59 AM »
Nevermind, I had to delete the product originally made from parts and then readded it. I have the same problem with duplicating items, it takes off too much stock!

Also when I void items, ie, mistakenly wrong up the wrong product, build from parts, it DOES NOT return the deleted items built from parts.

I start with 10 cokes, 10 brandy's
I ring up a dbl brandy and coke.
Now the stock reads:
9 cokes
8 brandy's
I void it.
I still have:
9 cokes
8 brandy's

ezPower / Re: Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:00:38 AM »
That did not work, now I no longer have the product in the menu but only the parts of it... How can I undo this?

ezPower / Re: Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:55:01 AM »
So when I create products that have more than 1 ingredient I must use Define Product & Bulk Supply and not 'Build from Parts' in 'Functions'?

And it will stop taking off too much of the 'parts' when duplicating items on a customers bill?

ezPower / Re: Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:28:51 AM »
Can you please clarify? I can get 4 glasses out of one bottle of wine... Do I use the portion section? I have already created the glass product from the bottle product? Should that be deleted? And this created in the 'Portion' section... What about shooters that use more than one 'ingredient'...?

ezPower / Re: Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: September 01, 2011, 07:08:54 AM »
Hi Ronald,

Say we have a bottle of wine. I can sell parts of it (ie. glasses of wine) or a full bottle. So when I duplicate a glass of wine built from parts of the wine bottle, it takes off too much stock from the wine bottle.

When I void this item that I duplicated (2 x glass of wine for example), it does not return the stock to the wine bottle that it also took too much stock off of.

This is not a problem when I do not duplicate items. However we have been operating like this for some time. The staff is used to duplicating items on bills, when it warrants it. This must explain stock irregularities with items built from parts that were duplicated or even voided?

So I suggest you try the following on your side and see for yourself:
Create a bottle of wine product
Create a glass of wine product and build it from parts (bottle of wine) - 0.25

Ring up a glass of wine duplicate it, send order, go back in and check in product control the amount of stock deducted from the bottle of wine...


ezPower / Duplicating items takes of too much stock
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:25:07 AM »
When we duplicate an item that is 'built from parts', it deducts too much stock... How do we fix this?

ezPower / Voiding Items does not return it to stock
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:22:27 AM »
When we void items that are 'built from parts', it does not return the stock. For example a glass of wine from a bottle of wine. Stuff that is not built from parts returns stock fine...?

ezPower / Re: Add-ons
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:17:30 AM »
Thanks that worked...

ezPower / Re: Add-ons
« on: August 25, 2011, 01:06:55 AM »
I thought that might be the solution but how do I create these two categories and have them visible in the add-on's?

ezPower / Re: Add-ons
« on: August 23, 2011, 07:18:29 AM »
The deal is any 2 pizzas and either 2 glasses of wine or 2 soft drinks. I have 16 pizzas and 23 options for soft drinks. The add-on function for this deal only allows to populate the adds-on up until 32 items. I have 39 items I need to be able to be selected in the add-ons section... That is my problem! Can we increase this?

ezPower / Add-ons
« on: August 22, 2011, 03:56:22 AM »
Hi I need some help with the Add-ons. I don't know if you are familiar with marketing avenues like Groupon. But we have a deal with a similiar website. We have a deal where they pay xx, I need to keep track of stock and per a voucher they can select 4 items. I have roughly 16 pizzas and 23 soft drinks that the customer can choose ... However there is a limit to how many of these add-ons I can select for this promotion in thew software. ALSO, I do not have the option on this add-on that we can select the same item twice, three or even 4 times (we have a limit of 4 selections)... Any ideas?


ezPower / Cashiers
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:16:52 AM »
Is it possible to force a cashier / employee to work on only their sales and not the sales of other cashiers? We run tabs and there is a scenario on a busy night that they are accessing other cashiers sales and finishing them unwittingly, I'd to stop this.

ezPower / Re: Problems with Inventory Accuracy
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:46:51 AM »
Hi Ronald,

I have not run the update because I have been terribly busy, but also because you say: From version 12 to 13 everything should transfer except the settings... This is not re-assuring to me. I need time to do an update and will try it this coming Monday, but am still worried because you also said: Try doing it in the Free demo.  Use the Sales Control / File / Sales Export. Why does any info get 'lost' or not transferred on the update? I do not have a demo version or an extra machine to do any testing on. Maybe a setp-by-step tutorial on upgrading from version x to version 13 would be a good idea?

Green Barn

ezPower / Re: Problems with Inventory Accuracy
« on: February 24, 2011, 10:31:33 AM »
I have lost whole sales tabs before, gone - never to be seen again and the stock still goes off, which i found odd. But in this case the sales are both there I can go back and find them and print them out... so I am concerned, I have yet to upgrade the software to version 13. This will sort out the problem of losing sales tabs and stock?

ezPower / Re: version 13 update!!
« on: February 24, 2011, 05:40:22 AM »
Hi Ron,

"Everything SHOULD transfer except settings". Quite honestly, I am wary of the word "SHOULD" in your sentence... I need a guarentee that it does this. Does it transfer all employee info and passwords? Somewhere I read it does not transfer customers?

Green Barn

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