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Messages - Ches

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ezPower / Re: "Avg Cost" nails me again
« on: August 05, 2011, 09:19:12 AM »
Changing the price manually will not change the Avg Cost.  Do you ever use on any products any of these:
 - Product Import / Export
 - Product Adjuist
 - Purchase Order functions

I need to ask to make one thing clear - when you use "Product Adjust" you MUST FIRST change the price in Product EDIT, THEN go to the product afdjust as there is no pricing edit there. Correct? So  just by saying product adjust alone that will not change average price. Correct?  I need to know today as I got my new inventory.

Less important, I still don't understand the matrix of the purchase order. Is that a 2-step process?

Product Import works great but not easy when you have 40 new items you have to sort out of a list of 3000.. I may try to export just what I ordered then change the prices then import again. that may easier. I generally like product import for across the board changes, etc..

ezPower / Re: "Avg Cost" nails me again
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:10:35 AM »
You can reset the Avg Cost using the Customer Control / Tools menu.
 - Purchase Order functions changes Avg Cost.
 - Adjust Stock / Add Stock changes Avg Cost.

I did the Adjust stock option in the first place but there is no price box - you have to first change the price in the edit area.
On purchase order I need to read up on that because as I was trying it I was afraid it would change my inventory again. Does the PO update inventory or is it just a form?

ezPower / Re: "Avg Cost" nails me again
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:33:09 AM »
I'm having this problem too..
So in summary you are saying when I do a inventory adjust - to first make the price changes in the product edit - THEN add the inventory (Add stock from list button) which will do the average??

The problem is the logic of that without knowing the rules. I would naturally add the product then adjust the pricing..  Too bad the inventory adjust doesn't have a price update box along with the inventory. But if this works I'm OK with it. Just a little confusing if I didn't find this thread.

ezPower / Re: correcting incorrect payment date
« on: July 18, 2011, 01:49:52 PM »
Yep - it worked when I changed the Windows clock date.

ezPower / Re: correcting incorrect payment date
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:30:16 PM »
Will this method work if one needs to correct the sale date of an item sold in the previous month? Today I found an item which was missing was sold on 6/23. That needs to be in for that month sales. I suppose I could leave it in July but June would be best.

ezPower / Re: Print when adding new item
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:25:22 PM »
That would be a marvelous feature. that is basically what I was requesting in my prior email which would be considered an accounting feature. i understand your program isn't for that purpose but a form where we enter inventory at a given date would allow for "inventory reports" which are related to inventory control.
Basically being able to print out a copy of exactly what was added to inventory on a given date is helpful. Then at the end of the month you can verify that something was added on what date if something comes up short or over.

ezPower / Re: discount by category
« on: June 30, 2011, 05:26:53 PM »
If you are comfortable using Excel, export the products, add the discount%, and import them back in.
Yep that's what I did and it works great!!

ezPower / Re: Setting Price % over cost
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:46:13 PM »
Have you tried the MarkUp fields.

Sorry, I have not seen that. In the product control area?

ezPower / Re: Setting Price % over cost
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:23:02 PM »
I understand that but which price column could I use which won't interfere with any of the calculations? I just wanted to make sure it would work in both the wholesale and customer price bracket 5.

ezPower / Setting Price % over cost
« on: June 29, 2011, 09:06:00 AM »
I just wanted to get your thoughts on my method to set pricing. I see your system is a multi tiered system where discounts are set based on retail. (Retail, wholesale, Employee, price 4,5,6, cost..

I have traditionally set the bulk of my prices 8% over cost and 15% over cost on our commissioned items. Where as your system doesn't allow that calculation in the set-up section, could I import a column of these 8 and 15% above cost and land it into the "Price 5" and "Price 6" columns? or is there a better way?

ezPower / Re: Single / Case products entered in inport text file
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:01:31 AM »
What happens is when you import a new inventory list with items in a new location which happen to be existing items at a current labeled location, the inventory list strikes over the old location with the new.

 In other words I had 3 gallons of antifreeze at the HQ then in my new inventory import I had 3 gallons added to Wall Lake. Now the database says 6 gallons at Wall Lake. When I sell 3 the inventory still reports 3 more at Wall Lake. Seems the inventory won't create a 2nd line for the location of the same product. Not a big problem but an observation. I think the best thing to do is just keep the smaller inventory on paper and mix them together as it works this way..

ezPower / Re: Single / Case products entered in inport text file
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:34:55 PM »
Another question - Would in any way the Location feature - having the same product in multiple locations (2) effect the case/each relationship? 
I noticed if I imported inventory in a small location (labeled as Wall Lake) then imported my main inventory without a location label the Wall Lake product writes over the non labeled products. I am about to do a test labeling my main location as "HQ" and see if the products do indeed stay separate...

That said, when I empty a case would it pull from the other location (which is fine in my case) or would it jam the system? The products at our Wall Lake location are of older stock thus lower price and the Case/Each tool pulls up the price of that location the first time I tried it before I had my HQ location labeled. In other words it didn't average the price..

ezPower / Bar code scanner - Multiple units
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:17:52 AM »
Here's a simple question - A barcode scanner will work fine on all stations on the networked version of the software correct? Not just the main computer? Thanks!

ezPower / Re: Moving program to different PC
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:23:43 PM »
Thank you!!

ezPower / Moving program to different PC
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:34:16 PM »
If I need to restart on a new PC (Windows XP), what files other than inventory need to go to make it function as it was? I need to transfer log files to another machine I suppose is all, after installing on the new machine.

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